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How do I Join the VDHA?

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How Do I Join The VDHA Instructions

By Dave Broeker

Last Updated - 09/05/07



Welcome to the VDHA!!


To JOIN the VDHA, you must NEVER have been a previous VDHA Member.  If this is the case, we probably have at the very least, your name in our database, and we do not want to duplicate your membership. We will update your old profile and make it current and you will retain your original Membership number, no matter how long you have been absent from membership. So Welcome Back!!!


If you are applying for a NEW Membership, please follow these simple instructions:


1. Make sure the computer you are using does not have anyone logged on to the Member Area. This is important because the proper screen will not show if this is the case.


2. Select "JOIN VDHA" at the top of the Home Page.


3. You will see a window that looks like this:


Join VDHA-1



4. Fill out the information as completely as possible and select the "Request New Account" button at the bottom center of the page, as shown below:



Join VDHA-2

5. You will be taken to a new webpage where your application will be confirmed and you will be instructed to choose a payment method.  The information to do so will be on that page and you may follow thru with your payment.


6. Your Membership will be approved as soon as the VDHA Treasurer receives your payment and enters the proper code to your account.


That is all there is to it!


Thank you for Joining the VDHA!

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