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T. Mike Potter - Active Member
Address: Middleton, Michigan
Dog(s) :DUKE - 56M9
Branch: USAF
Unit(s): 8th SPS (Ubon) Thailand
War(s): Vietnam
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Mike & Duke 56M9 on Commando Car


I attended the 1st Patrol Dog Class in 1968 and after a trial period at my base, Vandenbery AFB and two other bases, the Patrol Dog was excepted. I was given orders to go to Ubon RTAB and upon arrival, assisted in the begining of the retraining of the Sentry Dogs there. After a short period, that was abandoned because there was a shortage of handlers to patrol the perimeter of the base on two shifts. I was assigned Sentry Dog Duke 56M9, a very good Sentry Dog and definetly a one man dog!Duke helped me get through months of patrol on the wire and two sapper attacks in 6 months. Our K-9 section suffered two handlers wounded, 1 dog KIA, two dogs wounded during that period of 6 months. After leaving Ubon, I was assigned to Loring AFB until my discharge in October of 1971.