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3rd SPS (Bien Hoa)

The 6251st SPS became the 3rd SPS close to end of war.

Total: 92
StatusNameDates ServedDogTattoo
Deceased Bill Allen SILVERA617
Lifetime Bill B Allen 09/28/1971 - 10/27/1972ROCKX536
Deceased Peter R Arteaga BRUCE825F
Deceased Bob Baker 07/01/1969 - 06/30/1970
Lifetime Andy Bisceglie 10/01/1966 - 10/01/1967FRITZ0A36
Inactive Dennis J. Bonneau KING
Inactive Ken Booker 05/01/1968 - 05/01/1969REX63X0
KIA James Boyd 02/28/1968
Active Member David Brennan TAMMY621F
Lifetime Mike Brown
10/06/1966 - 10/10/1967
Lifetime Clyde R Caldwell 10/01/1965 - 10/01/1966KINGA586
Inactive Robert Cicero LUX0K29
Inactive Terris Collins 01/01/1965 - 01/01/1966FRENCHYOE92
Lifetime Michael M Cowder (RET CHIEF) 11/15/1968 - 11/15/1969NONEKENNEL MASTER
Inactive James F Cox Jr.05/01/1967 - 05/01/1968PETE5F40
Inactive Fred Czekanski 12/01/1971JOEY
Inactive John Davis 11/15/1968 - 11/14/1969MIKE
Inactive Russell Desrosiers
Lifetime Thomas E Dewey 03/01/1969 - 03/01/1970DUKE0B99
Inactive Ygnacio D Diaz 03/01/1966 - 02/12/1967ZIP1A38
Deceased Richard Allen 'Dick' Doak 07/01/1966 - 06/30/1967SHEPA212
Deceased James T. Doss 01/01/1965 - 01/01/1966
Lifetime Robert Foiles
05/01/1966 - 08/01/1968

Active Member John M. Ganley REX677F
Deceased Noel E. Germain FAUSTA667
Lifetime Thomas Wayne Greer HERMAN6X82
Lifetime Alfred E Harmer DUKEX635
Deceased Dave 'JD' Harris 09/15/1966 - 09/15/1967KINGE812
Inactive Stuart Harrison FRITZ2B05
Deceased James M. Harvey 01/01/1966 - 12/31/1966PALE FACE879F
Inactive Phillip Herrell NIXON236E
Inactive Dennis R Houk 01/01/1967 - 01/01/1968ARNO793F
Active Member Rick Ingler SARGEANT082X
Inactive John Mark Johnson BISMARK
Deceased Mike Jones 01/15/1970 - 01/14/1971
01/15/1970 - 01/14/1971
Lifetime Donald Kankel SILVER643F
Inactive Parker H. Kimball REX63X0
Lifetime Gary L Lawyer
10/26/1966 - 10/25/1967

Inactive Terry E Layman


Inactive Charles A Lee 12/19/1968 - 12/19/1969BOOGEX297
Inactive David J Lewis HANS00M7
Inactive Nicholas Liberato HANSIEA923
Lifetime Joseph Loney 01/01/1969 - 01/01/1970DUKEA985
Lifetime Austin Maclin 10/01/1965 - 10/01/1966SAM
Inactive Michael J. Mahn 07/08/1967 - 02/10/1969C-NOTE2B08
No Contact Info Edwin Marrero
Lifetime Michael Ray Martin 07/15/1972 - 01/04/1973NONEFLIGHT CHIEF
Inactive Donald (Marty) Martineck ANNO147M
Inactive Jerry Mathews 12/26/1967 - 12/16/1968CEASAR104M
Lifetime Michael McCabe 11/15/1966 - 11/15/1967KINGA586
Inactive John V. Meakin Jr.01/20/1967 - 01/14/1968SILVER643F
Active Member Ernest (Rico) Medina HOSS82X2
Deceased Mark E. Michael 07/01/1971 - 06/30/1972REXV000
Lifetime George Miller 10/01/1965 - 10/01/1966DUKE125X
Lifetime Jerry Miller CEASAR104M
Deceased Kenton Miller 01/01/1967 - 01/01/1968
Inactive Jerry Mullenix ROVERE976
Inactive Ronald Mullikin

Inactive James Murphy PRINCE
Inactive Gene Paasch 11/01/1968 - 11/01/1969DUKEX635
Lifetime Bill Peeler 11/22/1966 - 11/20/1967REX63X0
Inactive Thomas Polek 01/01/1965FROSTY400E
Deceased Robert Earl Preston PRINCE523F
No Contact Info Pete Ramsey HEY BOYX640
Deceased Richard Rando 06/01/1967 - 05/31/1968TAMMY621F
Lifetime Phillip Reed 01/01/1968 - 01/01/1969DUKEX882
Inactive Robert R. Rice Jr.HERCULESX500
Deceased Richard Ridenauer 06/15/1966 - 12/31/1966FOXY956F
Lifetime David Rudd 05/01/1968 - 05/01/1969DUKE125X
Deceased Daniel Schidler 01/20/1967 - 01/20/1968
Lifetime Steve Schultz FRITZ
Inactive Chick Scott DUKE0B99
Inactive Jon K Stather BLITZ00E2
Lifetime Michael E Strang 05/15/1969 - 05/15/1970SHADOW449X
Inactive Douglas Stream 01/01/1967REX63X0
Deceased Terry Strickland KING
Lifetime Donnie Taylor BERNARD74M8
Inactive Fred L Terrell SHEPA212
Inactive Marlan Thompson KING1A03
Inactive James Thornberry HOSSA099
Deceased Paul Thurmond 11/15/1966 - 11/15/1967NIXON236E
Lifetime Darrell Trent BRUCE825F
Inactive John Tyson
Inactive David Walker 01/01/1966ARNO793F
Inactive Douglas Weiss 01/01/1969PRINCE
Deceased James R. White ARNO793F
Lifetime Gordon Wildes 01/01/1966 - 01/01/1967YANKEEA570
Inactive Steven Willerding FREUD24A8
Inactive Thomas G. Wilson Sr.08/01/1966 - 08/01/1967RINNY681F
Lifetime Rick A Yale 05/05/1968 - 05/04/1969
05/05/1968 - 05/04/1969
Deceased Guadalupe 'Lupe' Ybarra Jr. 08/01/1968 - 03/31/1970
08/01/1968 - 03/31/1970

Lifetime Thomas R. Zapolsky 11/01/1967 - 11/01/1968ZAREK933F